Almost Anyone Can Build an Electric Car for Only a Few Hundred Dollars!

Les and Jane are an ordinary couple who have been pioneers in their quest for personal energy independence. For the past 15 years their family has been living off the grid with only solar and wind power, and now they have applied that same knowledge and learned how to build an electric car. It has always been their aim to find and use renewable energy options that they could afford.

They didn't just decide to write a book on building an electric car. They've built their own solar panels and windmills and don't pay a dime to the electric utilities! Now they've converted their car to electricity. Guess who they don't have to pay to drive it? The Big Oil Companies!

Now Les and Jane haven't built just one electric car. They have converted 3 electric cars for family and friends. If there is a problem or pitfall, they're going to tell you about it. They'll also share how they found a source of free batteries and recondition them to nearly new and found a source of cheap DC motors that will save you thousands of dollars.

They learned how to convert cars to run on electricity at a cost they could afford. They figured out how to do it all for hundreds of dollars, not thousands of dollars.

And in so doing they figured out how to get 100 miles out of a single charge!

Would you like to discover:

  • Step by Step How To Convert a Car To Electric.
  • How to Cut Fuel Costs to Nearly Zero
  • How To Clean Up The Environment
  • How To Get Massive IRS Refunds

You may have heard that the cost to convert a vehicle is close to $10,000. I guess you could pay that much if you really wanted to. But with Les and Jane's methods adapted from 15 years of living with renewable energy they will show you how to do an EV conversion for only a few hundred dollars... depending on your resourcefulness.

Just think about the benefits.
  •  No worries about gasoline going over $4.00 a gallon again!
  •  No more watching gas station signs to see which station is going to hurt the least!
  •  No time out for oil changes!

I've even been inspired to build an electric car. I have it picked out and sitting in the driveway. In fact, I plan to build a solar panel from their plans to recharge the car. But, before I do that, I have another project! I am going to rebuild the engine in a 1994 Full Size, 4X4 K1500 Chevy Truck with a 5.7L V-8 for Maximum Fuel Mileage. With the engine build and bolt-on aftermarket parts (and maybe some home-made parts too), the goal is 24 MPG on regular gas! That may not sound like much to some, but for a 5,000 lb. Four-Wheel-Drive Truck ...

The bolt-on parts won't require the engine build, so you can use many of the ideas on your own car! If you would like to follow the truck project and other updates as well as special offers, simply enter your name and e-mail below. You will be taken directly to Les and Jane's Electric Car site.


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